What comprises of Finnish Early Childhood Education Curriculum? Part 1

Finnish Early Childhood Education Curriculum

What comprises of Finnish Early Childhood Education Curriculum? Part 1

The Finnish Early Childhood Education (ECE) system is widely regarded as one of the best in the world. It is a comprehensive and integrated system that covers the care, education, and development of children from birth to the age of six. The Finnish Early Childhood Education Curriculum system is based on the principle that every child has the right to high-quality education and care, regardless of their family’s socio-economic status. The system is designed to be child-centred, meaning that it focuses on the individual needs and interests of each child. The curriculum is guided by the Finnish National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care, which provides a framework for the goals, contents, and methods of ECE in Finland. The curriculum is organized around six main areas of learning: well-being and personal development, communication and interaction, culture and expression, environment and nature, ethics and values, and technology and mathematics. The Finnish ECE system is also characterized by a strong emphasis on play-based learning, outdoor education, and collaboration between children and teachers. The system is supported by well-trained and highly educated ECE teachers, who receive ongoing professional development to ensure they are equipped with the latest knowledge and skills. Overall, the Finnish ECE system provides a comprehensive and integrated approach to early childhood education and care that is grounded in research and guided by the principles of equity, inclusivity, and respect for each child’s individual needs and interests.

The Importance of Play

Play is a crucial component of the Finnish Early Childhood Education (ECE) curriculum, as it is recognized as the primary way that children learn and develop. Through play, children develop their physical, social, emotional, and cognitive skills. Play also fosters creativity, imagination, and problem-solving abilities, which are essential for success in the modern world. The Finnish ECE system recognizes that children learn best when they are engaged and motivated, and play is an effective way to achieve this.

 Play-based learning is also a way to ensure that all children have the opportunity to participate in education and learning, regardless of their socio-economic background or learning ability. In the Finnish ECE system, play is not seen as a frivolous activity but rather a key tool for promoting children’s development and learning. Therefore, teachers are trained to incorporate play into their teaching methods and to create a supportive and stimulating environment that encourages children to explore, experiment, and discover. Overall, the Finnish ECE curriculum recognizes the importance of play in children’s development and ensures that it is given a central role in the education and care of young children.

Child Centred Approach

The Finnish Early Childhood Education (ECE) curriculum is designed to be child-centered, meaning that it focuses on the individual needs and interests of each child. The curriculum is built on the understanding that every child is unique, with their own strengths, challenges, and ways of learning. Therefore, the Finnish ECE system is organized around the child’s needs and interests rather than around pre-determined goals and objectives.

 In practice, a child-centered approach in the Finnish ECE curriculum means that children are encouraged to take an active role in their learning and development. They are given opportunities to make choices, explore their interests, and engage in activities that are meaningful and relevant to them. Teachers act as facilitators, supporting and guiding children as they explore and learn through play and other activities.

The child-centered approach also means that the Finnish ECE curriculum is flexible and adaptable. Teachers are encouraged to be responsive to the needs of individual children, adapting their teaching methods and activities to meet the child’s level of development, learning style, and interests. The curriculum is designed to be inclusive, meaning that it accommodates children with diverse backgrounds, cultures, and abilities.

Overall, the child-centered approach in the Finnish ECE curriculum ensures that children are seen as active participants in their own learning and development. It fosters a sense of autonomy and self-esteem in children, promoting a lifelong love of learning and a desire to explore and discover the world around them.

Collaboration and cooperation 

Collaboration and cooperation are key values that are emphasized in the Finnish Early Childhood Education (ECE) curriculum. The curriculum recognizes the importance of social skills in children’s development and the role that collaboration and cooperation play in promoting positive social relationships and a sense of community.

In the Finnish ECE system, children are encouraged to work together on projects and activities, to share ideas and resources, and to support each other in their learning and development. Teachers facilitate this process by creating a supportive and inclusive environment where children feel safe to express themselves and to interact with others. Teachers also model cooperative behavior and encourage children to use positive communication skills, such as active listening, empathy, and respect for others.

Collaboration and cooperation are also promoted through outdoor education, which is an important component of the Finnish ECE curriculum. Outdoor education provides opportunities for children to work together to explore and learn about the natural world, to develop problem-solving skills, and to build resilience and self-confidence.

Overall, collaboration and cooperation are valued in the Finnish ECE curriculum because they promote social and emotional development, foster positive relationships, and encourage a sense of community and belonging. They are essential skills for success in the modern world, and the Finnish ECE system recognizes their importance in promoting lifelong learning and well-being.

Outdoor learning

Outdoor learning is a fundamental component of the Finnish Early Childhood Education (ECE) curriculum. The curriculum recognizes the importance of nature in children’s development and the role that outdoor learning plays in promoting physical activity, exploration, and discovery.

In the Finnish ECE system, outdoor learning takes place in a variety of settings, including forests, parks, gardens, and playgrounds. Teachers use these natural environments to create learning opportunities that engage children’s senses and promote curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Outdoor learning also helps to develop children’s motor skills, coordination, and spatial awareness.

Outdoor learning is also seen as a way to promote well-being and mental health. Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress, increase positive mood, and improve concentration and memory. Outdoor learning provides children with an opportunity to connect with nature, to learn about the environment, and to develop a sense of respect and appreciation for the natural world.

In addition, outdoor learning promotes social and emotional development. It provides opportunities for children to collaborate, communicate, and develop relationships with their peers and teachers. Outdoor learning encourages children to take risks, to explore their boundaries, and to develop resilience and self-confidence.

Overall, outdoor learning is a vital component of the Finnish ECE curriculum. It provides a rich and diverse learning environment that promotes physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. The Finnish ECE system recognizes the importance of nature in children’s development and encourages teachers to incorporate outdoor learning into their teaching methods.

There is more to the components of Finnish Early Childhood Education Curriculum Stay Tuned to know more.

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