Supporting Students’ Mental Health in Finnish Schools

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Supporting Students’ Mental Health in Finnish Schools

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of mental health in education. Finland is renowned for its world-class education system the well-being of students is at the forefront of educational priorities. Finnish schools not only focus on academic excellence but also prioritize the mental health and overall well-being of their students. In this blog post, we will explore the various ways in which Finnish schools support students’ mental health and why these strategies have garnered international attention and admiration.

Comprehensive School System

One of the key elements that contribute to the success of Finnish schools in promoting mental health is the comprehensive school system. Finnish students receive a holistic education from the age of seven to sixteen, without the pressure of standardized tests or excessive homework. This approach allows students to develop at their own pace, reducing stress and anxiety associated with academic performance.

In the comprehensive school system, students are not labeled or tracked into different ability groups, which helps reduce the stigma often associated with academic achievement. This fosters a sense of belonging and inclusivity, promoting positive mental health among students.

Emphasis on Physical Activity

Finnish schools prioritize physical activity as an essential part of the curriculum. Students have regular breaks for outdoor play, and physical education is an integral part of their school week. Engaging in physical activity has been proven to reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance cognitive function, all of which contribute to better mental health.

Student Well-Being as a Core Objective

Finnish schools explicitly include student well-being as a core objective of their education system. The curriculum emphasizes the development of life skills, such as problem-solving, communication, and social skills, which are essential for maintaining good mental health. Additionally, the curriculum incorporates topics related to mental health and well-being, helping students understand and manage their emotions.

Supportive School Environment

The Finnish education system  places a strong emphasis on creating a supportive and nurturing school environment. Teachers are trained to be empathetic and understanding, and they often act as mentors for their students. This close teacher-student relationship allows students to feel safe and cared for at school, reducing the risk of mental health issues.

Furthermore, bullying is taken seriously in Finnish schools, and anti-bullying programs are in place to prevent and address any instances of bullying. A safe and inclusive school environment is crucial for students’ mental well-being.

Minimal Homework and Standardized Testing

Finnish students benefit from a minimal amount of homework and a lack of standardized testing. This approach is in stark contrast to many other countries, where excessive homework and high-stakes testing can lead to stress and anxiety among students.

In Finland, the focus is on individualized learning and promoting a love for learning rather than grades. This approach reduces the pressure on students and allows them to focus on understanding concepts rather than simply memorizing information for exams.

Access to Support Services

Finnish schools provide access to support services for students who may be facing mental health challenges. School psychologists, counselors, and special education teachers are available to help students who need additional support. This proactive approach ensures that students receive the assistance they need promptly, reducing the risk of mental health issues escalating.

Comprehensive Healthcare System

Finland’s comprehensive healthcare system also plays a vital role in supporting students’ mental health. Children and adolescents have access to a range of healthcare services, including mental health services, free of charge. Early intervention and support are readily available to address mental health concerns.

Strong Social Safety Net

Finland’s robust social safety net extends to families, ensuring that basic needs are met. This includes access to affordable housing, healthcare, and education. When students do not have to worry about these fundamental aspects of their lives, they can focus on their education and overall well-being.

Encouragement of Outdoor Activities

Finnish culture encourages outdoor activities and a close connection to nature. Schools often incorporate outdoor learning experiences, allowing students to connect with nature, which has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health. Spending time in natural environments can reduce stress and promote a sense of calm and well-being.

Teacher Training and Professional Development

Finnish teachers undergo various with training, and professional development process for their career development. This training includes strategies for recognizing and addressing the mental health needs of students. Teachers highly qualified with the knowledge and skills to support students in various aspects of their development, including their mental health.


The Finnish education system’s success in supporting students’ mental health is indeed commendable. Finland’s approach to education prioritizes well-being alongside academic achievement, and this holistic approach has yielded positive results. By fostering a balanced environment that takes into account the mental and emotional needs of students, Finland has set an example for other nations to follow. Creating a supportive school environment is crucial, as it allows students to feel safe, valued, and empowered to seek help when needed. Moreover, offering access to necessary support services ensures that students receive the assistance they require to maintain good mental health. Finland’s model can serve as a valuable lesson for other countries, emphasizing the importance of placing the well-being of students at the forefront of their education systems. After all, a healthy mind is the cornerstone of a successful future.

If you wish to learn more about the Finnish education system’s approach to promoting students’ well-being  you can contact the Finland Education Hub for further information.

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